MAP TO MEG’S STUDIO: 5657 E Lampkins Ridge Rd.
CONTACT: or 812-361-5848
Artist Meg Lagodzki spends much of her time painting and sketching in the outdoors. She is drawn to specific elements that evoke an emotional response and often returns to the same locations numerous times over years. In her studio work, she explores these same motifs using acrylic collage, oils and mixed media.

The historical use of the landscape in American painting and culture informs Meg’s thinking and ecological concerns. Issues of contemporary land use and changing human attitudes towards the landscape over time influence much of her work. In a modern world devoid of real wilderness, we turn to the few wild places set aside as special sanctuaries to recreate that communion with totems of the natural world- a spring, a cave, an arch. Often, the most intriguing places are those that have been abandoned and reclaimed by nature. All of these places bring to mind altered states and transitions, and still hold great power in the human imagination.